
Custom Colors

custom colors

About Custom Colors

From Stock Fleck Colors

In order to minimize manufacturing costs and facilitate custom color development, MSI stocks an extensive line of individual color bases which are referred to as Stock Fleck Colors. These Stock Fleck Colors can be made quickly into fleck and blended with other fleck colors into multicolor. The individual Stock Fleck Colors, shown in the the Custom Color Palette, are stocked by MSI for all Multispec multicolor product lines. This enables specifiers to develop and visualize custom multicolors which can be readily sampled and produced in any Multispec product line. All stock and non-stock multicolors shown in Multispec literature are made from Stock Fleck Colors. All printed multicolor samples can be closely matched in either Multispec solvent-based or waterborne multicolors.

From Non-Stock Fleck Colors

MSI will also develop custom multicolors made from fleck colors not included in the Custom Color Palette. Simply provide MSI's color development lab with individual color chips of the fleck colors to be included in the custom multicolor formulation, together with suggested percentage composition and preferred product type. The multicolors made from non-stock fleck colors take longer to develop and are somewhat more costly than those made from Stock Fleck Colors.

Preformulated Non-Stock Multicolors from Stock Fleck Colors

Non-stock multicolors are made to order and priced according to color complexity and order size. Preformulated non-stock multicolors made from Stock Fleck Colors can be quickly sampled and produced. Sample sprayouts of preformulated multicolors shown in Multispec literature are stocked by MSI and available to the color specifier upon request. Preformulated multicolors are a useful point of reference for custom color development.